Slovak legislation

Legislation of the Slovak Republic regulating the rights and entitlements of insured persons in the provision of healthcare

Act No. 576/2004 Z. z. on healthcare, services connected with the provision of healthcare and amending certain acts, as amended

Act No. 577/2004 Z. z. on the scope of healthcare reimbursed from public health insurance and payments for services connected with the provision of healthcare, as amended

Act No. 578/2004 Z. z. on healthcare providers, healthcare professionals and professional organisations, and amending certain acts, as amended

Act No. 579/2004 Z. z. on emergency medical services and amending certain acts, as amended

Act No. 580/2004 Z. z. on health insurance and amending Act No. 95/2002 Z. z. on insurance and amending certain acts, as amended

Act No. 581/2004 Z. z. on health insurance companies, healthcare supervision and on the amendment and supplementing of certain laws, as amended

Act No. 362/2011 Z. z. on medicines and medical devices and amending certain acts, as amended

Act No. 363/2011 Z. z. on the scope and conditions of payments for medicines, medical devices and dietetic foods from public health insurance and amending certain acts, as amended

Act No. 153/2013 Z. z. the national health information system and amending certain acts

Act No. 355/2007 Z. z. on the protection, promotion and development of public health and amending certain acts, as amended

Act No. 18/1996 Z. z. on prices, as amended

Act No. 71/1967 Zb. on administrative proceedings, as amended

Act No. 9/2010 Z. z. on complaints, as amended

The Code of Civil Procedure

Government Regulation No. 775/2004 Z. z. issuing the catalogue of medical procedures, as amended

Government Regulation No. 777/2004 Z. z. issuing the list of illnesses for which medical procedures are partially paid for or not paid for at all under public health insurance

Decree of the Ministry of Health No. 341/2013 Z. z. relating cross-border healthcare being subject to prior authorisation

Decree of the Ministry of Health No. 232/2014 Z. z. relating procedure for healthcare provider, health insurance company and Health Care Surveillance Authority in cross-border  healthcare providing

Publikované: 22. February 2021
Naposledy upravené: 18. February 2025