Legislation and settlements of disputes

Legislation and administrative procedures for the resolution of disputes

Constitution of the Slovak Republic

Article 46 recognises the right of every person to claim his or her right by procedures laid down by a law at an independent and impartial court or, in cases provided by a law, at another public authority of the Slovak Republic.

Act No. 580/2004 Z. z. on health insurance and amending Act No. 95/2002 Z. z. on insurance and amending certain acts, as amended 

Under Article 29, insured persons have the right to equal treatment in the provision of public healthcare in accordance with the principle of equal treatment laid down by relevant legislation (section 5 of Act No. 356/2004 Z. z.). If insured people consider that their rights or legally protected interests have been infringed as a result of a breach of the principle of equal treatment, they can seek legal protection in court (Article 9(2) of Act No. 356/2004 Z. z.).

Act No. 576/2004 Z. z. on healthcare, services connected with the provision of healthcare and amending certain acts, as amended

Under Article 11(2) everyone has equal right to receive healthcare and services related to the provision of healthcare including cross-border healthcare in accordance with the principle of equal treatment. Under the principle of equal treatment, discrimination is prohibited on grounds of gender, religion or beliefs, marital or family status, skin colour, language, political or other views, trade union activity, national or social origin, disability, age, property, lineage or other status,

According to Article 11(4), if anyone considers that their rights or legally protected interests have been infringed as a result of a breach of the principle of equal treatment, they can seek legal protection in court (Article 9(2) of Act No. 356/2004 Z. z.).

Act No. 365/2004 Z. z. on equal treatment in certain areas and on protection against discrimination and amending certain acts, as amended

Article 9(1) guarantees the right of everyone to equal treatment and to protection against discrimination in accordance with this act.

Article 9(2) states that everyone can seek protection for their rights in court if they consider that their rights, legally protected interests or freedoms have been infringed by a breach of the principle of equal treatment. In particular, they can request that a subject that has breached the principle of equal treatment refrain from such actions and, if possible, rectify the illegal situation or provide adequate redress.

Under Article 9(3), if adequate redress would not be sufficient, in particular if the breach of the principle of equal treatment significantly impaired the dignity, social standing or social activity of the injured party, the insured party may also seek refund for non-pecuniary damages. The court sets the amount of refund for non-pecuniary damages taking into account the severity of the non-pecuniary damage and all factors that contributed to it.

In accordance with Article 9(4) rights to compensation or other redress under other legislation are not affected by Act 365/2004 Z. z.

Article 9(5) guarantees everyone the right to protect their rights through non-judicial mediation.

Under Article 9a, if an infringement of the principle of equal treatment could affect a right, legally protected interest or freedom of a larger or indefinite number of persons or if such a breach would be a serious risk to the public interest, the right to seek protection of the right to equal treatment can also be exercised by legal entity authorised by law or whose activities have the objective or function to protect against discrimination. Such legal entities can request in particular a statement whether the principle of equal treatment has been breached, that the subject that breached the principle of equal treatment should refrain from such activity and, if possible, rectify the illegal situation.

Act No. 99/1963 Zb. the Code of Civil Procedure, as amended

The Code of Civil Procedure regulates the procedure of courts and parties in connection with civil lawsuits in order to ensure equitable protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the parties and to promote the upholding of the law, the honest performance of duties and respect for the rights of other persons.

In civil procedure the courts hear and decide on disputes and other lawsuits, enforce decisions that are not fulfilled voluntarily, and guard against infringement of the rights and legally protected interests of natural persons and legal entities and against the abuse of rights to harm natural persons and legal entities.

The Code of Civil Procedure is one of the guarantees of legality and helps to strengthen and develop it. Everyone has the right to seek protection for their rights in court if they are threatened or infringed.

Act No. 420/2004 Z. z. on mediation and amending certain acts, as amended

This law covers disputes that arise in relations under civil law, family law, commerce law and employment law. It also applies to cross-border disputes arising in equivalent legal relations, except for those rights and duties that parties cannot possess under the applicable law regulating the legal relation concerned.

Publikované: 23. February 2021
Naposledy upravené: 18. February 2025